Burger King tempts TikTok-ers with free burgers through ‘legal loophole’ 

The fast food chain hid a free Whopper offer in its terms and conditions, and reached 78% of French TikTok-ers

In 2023, brands spent an estimated $4 billion on TikTok ads, and for good reason. A TikTok survey revealed that 56% of users say ads on the platform lead them to discover new products or brands. However, not all good ideas need big budgets to build a brand’s presence on the platform. A recent campaign from Burger King in France saw the brand reach 78% of French TikTok users just by making a simple tweak to its terms and conditions.

For The Unnoticeable Whopper campaign, Burger King added a hidden offer to the terms and conditions page on its website, stating that anyone Burger King followed on TikTok, who also followed Burger King back, was entitled to a free Whopper. Understandably, at first, no one noticed this. This changed when people clocked that the only account Burger King followed on the platform was French TikToker ‘Masdak’ – an influencer with 2.8 million followers, famed for his knowledge of commercial loopholes.

Masdak revealed why he was the only account followed by Burger King when he made a TikTok video explaining Burger King’s hidden offer. As word began to spread about the deal, Burger King received messages requesting a follow back, often in exchange for elaborate displays of fandom. In quest of a following, people offered to get Burger King tattoos, created designs of the brand’s logo, and even played a DJ set at a drive-through. 

Buzzman, Paris, was behind the campaign, which ran during June and July in 2023. While most of the engagement was driven by fans, on 18 July, Burger King posted a video in which the brand followed the account of a fan who had liked all 2,300 Burger King TikTok posts in search of a free Whopper. 

Results / The campaign received over 22 million views, 3.2 million likes and 83,000 comments on TikTok, resulting in the greatest engagement of any campaign on European TikTok in 2023 and helping the brand amass more than 104,000 new followers on the platform. The Unnoticeable Whopper was awarded a silver pencil at The One Show 2024 in the Social Media: Influencer Marketing / Single Channel category.

Contagious Insight 

Royale seal of approval / By encouraging people to exercise elaborate displays of brand love in return for a follow on TikTok and a free meal, Burger King showed just how much people will do for one of its burgers and convince new customers in France that they must be worth having.

If someone is willing to tattoo themself with the Burger King brand or spend hours liking thousands of Burger King’s posts, it suggests there is a reason to love the brand. These organic displays of costly signalling demonstrate how genuine people's love for the brand is because it would make no sense to go to those lengths otherwise.

The decision to spur on these ‘costly’ displays of super-fandom is a tactic that other brands have used to their advantage. For example, when Heinz learned how many of its superfans were getting its Ketchup bottle tattooed on their bodies, the brand created official branded tattoo ink and stencils to encourage the extreme expressions of brand love.

Exclusive offer / Given that at the start of the campaign Burger King only followed Masdak, the draw of a follow from the brand was heightened by its exclusivity. For super-fans, it's an enviable flex to be able to show that one of the biggest QSR chains in the world follows your account, particularly if the only fellow followee is TikTok-famous.

If it were easy to get a follow from Burger King it wouldn’t be worth anyone’s while, but the scarcity of the offer made super-fans want to engage. On top of the monetary win of a free whopper, the exclusivity of the offer turned a follow from Burger King into a form of social currency and sprung its biggest fans into action.

Whopper-nise your audience / If you can get your fans to take charge and go into battle for you, it makes any claims about your product more genuine and believable and saves a lot of work (and often a lot of money). That’s exactly what Burger King did in this campaign, weaponising its audience to carry out its business objectives.

All Burger King needed to do was make a small tweak to its terms and conditions and reach out to one TikToker. This alone was enough to whip its fans into action and create their own user-generated content to show off their love for Burger King, driving huge brand engagement across TikTok. Burger King simply planted the seed and watched it grow.

Aside from demonstrating the value of mobilising your direct audience, the campaign shows how tapping into specific communities on TikTok can be an effective way to boost brand engagement. Sometimes marketers can cast their net too wide. TikTok is a densely populated platform where users compete for each other’s fleeting attention. If you’re not appealing to anyone specifically, it’s easy to go unnoticed. Instead, by targeting a niche audience – fans of commercial loopholes – Burger King uncovered a more relevant set of fans who were likely to follow up on the offer.

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