Reports & Webinars

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Breakthrough Creativity: What makes a campaign Most Contagious? 

Find out what it takes to create the work that Contagious deems the best in the world

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Free download: Grand Prix-winning strategies 2024 

Get the insights behind campaigns that won big at 2024's Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

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Webinar: Cannes Lions Contenders 2024 

Watch our free Livestream Contagious experts put their necks on the line and predict what’s going to win big at this year's international festival of creativity. Bugger the Bronzes and screw the Silvers — we're going for the Grands Prix!

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Webinar: The Habits of Highly Creative Agencies 

Watch our free Livestream as we probe our Contagious Pioneers to find out how the best in the business create the best work in the world

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Webinar: Unskippable YouTube Creativity 

Learn how to make impactful and effective YouTube ad creative in this free video with YouTube, Kantar and Contagious.

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The Contagious Radar report 2024 

Surveying advertising’s most prominent leaders about the biggest opportunities and challenges in the year ahead.

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The 2023 Most Contagious Report 

Get a concentrated dose of insight and inspiration with our free PDF, packed with the best campaigns of the year and advice for the year ahead

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The Best of Strategist’s Digest: 2023 

The most interesting and useful advertising research digested by Contagious over the past 12 months

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Free download: Grand Prix-winning strategies 2023 

Get the insights and strategy behind the campaigns that won big at 2023's Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

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The Secrets of Highly Contagious Agencies 

Watch our free Livestream as we probe our Contagious Pioneers to find out how the best in the business create the best work in the world