The Contagious Radar Report 2025  

The biggest business opportunities and watch-outs, based on advice and opinions from the ad industry’s top dogs

Each year, we speak to the industry’s best and brightest to find out where they’re spending their time, attention and money over the next 12 months. Alongside in-depth interviews with leaders (such as Pancho Cassis, global CCO at David, Rethink CSO Sean McDonald, and McDonald’s global CMO Morgan Flatley) we poll 100 C-suite marketing and agency execs to get a read of the industry’s attitudes to current issues such as AI, agency remuneration, and DEI.

We wrap up the findings in our Contagious Radar report, which is now exclusively available to IQ subscribers. But fear not, if you’re not (yet) a member, you can view our recent webinar via the link below, where we presented the key findings of our 2025 report and discussed them with some of the industry’s savviest leaders.

In the meantime, we’re offering a preview of what’s inside and have broken down some of the key challenges the ad industry will face in 2025. The solutions? Well, they can be found in the full report.

Challenge 1: The risks and fears surrounding AI

The rapid and widespread adoption of AI in 2024 sparked dire predictions for the ad industry – in particular, creative jobs seem to be in the firing line. Forrester predicts that AI will eliminate 7.5% of advertising jobs in the US by 2030, and news of the tech-driven Omnicom merger in December triggered a panic about the imminent demise of creative agencies. How will adland fare in a generative AI world, asks Graham Drew, CCO for Grey Malaysia and Singapore, when the ‘really disruptive, amazing, Cannes-winning stuff’ represents a fraction of the output? ‘Let’s all admit that a huge amount of the work that we do – repurposing stuff, reformatting stuff, doing the toolkits – can be automated,’ he says. ‘There's always going to be room for those breakthrough pieces of creativity, those connections that computers can never make, absolutely. But that’s not the whole business.’ The Radar report outlines how ad industry leaders are confronting fears and reframing how they think of AI to get the best out of it.

Challenge 2: Dangerous short-term thinking is on the rise

An ugly trend is on the rise again this year, and it’s ‘kryptonite for creativity,’ says Rethink CSO, Sean McDonald. Many of our interviewees spoke of a general pressure to deliver ‘more, for less, faster’ and expressed concerns about the cost of short-termism. Despite decades of research by the likes of Les Binet and Peter Field, the IPA, and Orlando Wood that show that ‘the obsession with short-term results at the expense of any medium (let alone long) term investment, is terribly flawed,’ says Elizabeth Paul, EVP/chief brand officer at The Martin Agency, ‘the immediate pressure for quarterly performance keeps the status quo in place [and] puts enormous pressure on CEOs and CMOs to yield, yield, yield without time to plant or space to let things grow.’ Our interviewees explain how mismanaging the short- and long-term is hurting brands – and how to fight back.

Challenge 3: Client-agency relationships are hanging on by a thread

Under mounting pressure to cut costs, condense project timelines, navigate new technology and deliver measurable results, clients are increasingly shopping around for the cheapest service, rather than viewing agencies as long-term creative partners. FCB global CCO Andres Ordóñez describes a ‘dangerous’ trend of agencies increasingly being seen as ‘vendors’ rather than partners. ‘[Clients] are bringing in so many other partners that don't understand the brand,’ he says. ‘They’re just there for the task.’ And without one consistent formula for how to sell creativity, there’s always a competitor that will do a version for less. Throw in the dwindling average CMO tenure (around 37 months) and you wonder how any long-term client-agency relationships are still going. As with short-termism, a quick-fix, chop-and-change approach to agency partners is detrimental to creativity and long-term brand building, but it’s also a surefire way to erode confidence and trust in client-agency partnerships. The full Radar report details why and how leaders are investing in long-term partnerships this year.

Tune in to the Contagious Radar 2025 Webinar to discover... 

  • The major themes and findings revealed by this year’s Radar report

  • Practical advice on how to interpret these trends and turn them to your advantage

  • Expert insights from our panelists of industry leaders

Speakers / 

  • George Bryant, global CCO at Golin

  • Miriam Plon Sauer, SVP global strategy director McCann Worldgroup

  • Marta Garcia Alonso, CMO Heineken Mexico

Enter your details below to view our free webinar 

This session took place live on 27 Feb. To watch the recording, register below and you will be taken directly to the session.

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